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Category: rant
curiosity killed the cat
so the curiosity killed the cat but, the cat had nine lives so chances are if the cat learned from its mistakes it never made that same one again?
time, energy, resources and patience
I am continuing on in reading Soul Cravings and find his discussions about humans’ drive to achieve somewhat empty. He speaks of us just needing the drive to do something and then we will seek it but alas reality is not as easy as a concept in a book. in real life we make many… Continue reading time, energy, resources and patience
I am reading Soul Cravings by Erwin McManus and he has some very interesting concepts about our need for love. One of the concepts in particular I found to be profound was related to community. “…we are increasingly less self-aware. We’re more self-absorbed but less self aware. We don’t know who we are” “When we… Continue reading community
fast forward
I have been browsing several blogs and authors posting their top 10 predictions for the new year and I decided I would post my top list of things I think we should be looking at: – algae diesel – bicycles with electric assist (affordable for the masses) – separate action plans for summer and winter… Continue reading fast forward
Tonight…….The world is in for a climate war as the worlds super powers argue over carbon credits
pollution no more, climate change and global warming are far sexier…. I really don’t like fads. I like the fads even less if they take a good purpose for a needed cause and turn it into a political, corporate, global fad. human induced climate change or global warming has become just that. I am sick… Continue reading Tonight…….The world is in for a climate war as the worlds super powers argue over carbon credits
The unhelpables
They are those people who don’t ask for help because they either don’t want any help or your kind of help. Maybe they don’t want to seem needy or they don’t trust the quality of your help. Maybe they don’t want to return the favour someday or they worry your help will require socializing that… Continue reading The unhelpables
easy for the whole family
surrounded by a sea of junk thoughts I navigate each day and each moment only somewhat connected to the other moments and days. those things that have connections in the structure of my life are interwoven without a great deal of thought on my part but rather more of a routine. where then does meaning… Continue reading easy for the whole family
Defending Yourself Against a self righteous environmental zealots
—- caution —— sarcasm —– attempt at humor —— proceed with caution The Hitchhikers Guide to Defending Yourself Against a self righteous environmental zealots – Abridged addition- Foreword The world is full of dangerous people and in this particular day and age we have environmentalist greeny types who want to convert us all to bicycle… Continue reading Defending Yourself Against a self righteous environmental zealots
the riddle
why do we seek, ponder or wonder about these things: spiritual inspiration spiritual exploration spiritual connections spiritual commitment why do I think we do? spiritual inspiration the mystic moments, the ineffable that causes us to collapse reasonable possibilities and seek the unknown spiritual exploration curiosity, knowing that reason cannot explain everything spiritual connections a desire… Continue reading the riddle