Defining quality with our workforce

In the past the distributed worker often struggled with management who couldn’t see them “working”.  The Covid19 pandemic response, with many working away from the office, challenged this discomfort like never before. Management (executives, managers, supervisors, etc) had to quickly figure out how they would monitor their employee performance. Here is an idea, how about… Continue reading Defining quality with our workforce

monkey number 5

By now I have to assume that you have seen some version of the “story” about the monkeys in the experiment with the ladder, ice cold water and the self policing they do. It goes something like this: “They start with a room containing five monkeys. Inside the room, they hung a banana on a… Continue reading monkey number 5

Categorized as coaching

Giving Feedback – Option 1

Another one of the tools that I have come across is a technique for how you give someone feedback.Firstly, organize your feedback. In preparation to give your feedback, organize your thoughts into: What went well, What was not quite right and What would you do differently  Then, when you are ready meet with the person… Continue reading Giving Feedback – Option 1

Categorized as coaching

Missing something?

OK,  so someone is stuck. You, or someone you are assisting, has the making of a simple problem you can’t seem to get unstuck from. You need a quick practice to assist yourself(s) to finding the answer that likely already lies within the deep reaches of your mind. This tool is another I have learned that helps you to figure… Continue reading Missing something?

Categorized as coaching

Achieving Engagement

A recent gallup poll got me thinking about the challenges we face. The 2012 poll revealed that while in America there is a more engaged workforce (30%) than the rest of the world (13%) there is still a staggering 52% that are not engaged and 18% that are actively disengaged. One interesting data set is… Continue reading Achieving Engagement

with risk comes rewards?

In trying to teach my 11 year old son how someone can become financially wealthy I had to really think about how I wanted to explain myself to him. I could have used any number of stories of how people work hard, study hard, and then it all pays off but I found myself looking… Continue reading with risk comes rewards?

with risk comes rewards?

In trying to teach my 11 year old son how someone can become financially wealthy I had to really think about how I wanted to explain myself to him. I could have used any number of stories of how people work hard, study hard, and then it all pays off but I found myself looking… Continue reading with risk comes rewards?

Categorized as coaching

recipes for success – relationship * possibility * action

One of the most powerful concepts of the coaching practices that I have learned is to think of our interactions with the idea of three types of conversation: relationship, possibility and action. There is no script for each of these conversations to happen but rather the practice of seeing your conversations through these lenses has… Continue reading recipes for success – relationship * possibility * action