Temporary Disruption from Normal

Covid-19 measures imposed upon society are not normal and they are not a new normal. There are certainly elements of how some of us work (distributed teams, virtual environments) and how we engage in commerce (online pre-order or delivery) that could become normal but this is not normal. This is a temporary disruption of normal.… Continue reading Temporary Disruption from Normal

Categorized as Blog, change

Divide and Calculate

There is more profit in a divided people. When we are divided, we do not share our things or our time and therefore we need to consume more.  Today, more than ever, that comes alive in the content we consume.  Little content that we take in each day is free. The content is paid for… Continue reading Divide and Calculate

Social media, a dashboard for society’s intelligence?

I hesitate to say this but I suspect that social media is validating that we have failed to improve our educational systems. I continue to see the masses who have completed high school not understand basic science principles or mathematics nor have the ability to understand or write text above the level of grade 6.… Continue reading Social media, a dashboard for society’s intelligence?

Ode to the cranky man

When you wake up in the morning, do you plan to change the world but were foiled by your arch-rival? Is that is why you complain so much? While you waited in line for coffee were you planning to pay it forward and buy a hundred people their coffees but alas your nemesis had stolen… Continue reading Ode to the cranky man

Categorized as Blog, change

The distributed workforce of tomorrow, today

Today’s modern teams depend on the right people to efficiently and effectively achieve success.  Sometimes those people are not readily available in your local labour market. Thankfully with the use of technology there is the option of a workforce that is distributed geographically. I have been working with distributed workers for over 20 years and… Continue reading The distributed workforce of tomorrow, today