truth or comfort?

Do we all have trust issues with people or groups?  For me, one example of an issue I have with trusting people is with those who we are supposed to trust at fixing our vehicles. I believe that I have experienced, on repeated occasions, where a vehicle has gone in for servicing and in the… Continue reading truth or comfort?

Categorized as Blog, rant

living vicariously

I am going to say that living vicariously through someone else or a fictional character deepens the divide between the have and the have nots. Living vicariously through others. If we choose to experience our pleasure or entertainment through watching someone else in a role, in a game, a race, etc, etc we can cheer… Continue reading living vicariously

Categorized as Blog, rant

lets do this 1 – stop racism 2 – replace it with cool stuff

I live in the very center of North America in a very special place called Winnipeg. Winnipeg exemplifies the term diversity like no other city. We have diversity in our weather ranging from minus 30c to plus 30c. We have diversity in our industries, agriculture, housing, recreation, etc, etc. We also have diversity in our… Continue reading lets do this 1 – stop racism 2 – replace it with cool stuff

Categorized as Blog, ideas

Science Fair

Both of my kids are preparing for the science fair and I wish I was doing my own project. I was thrilled to be helping them come up with ideas for what their science fair projects could be. It felt so good to be curious about the world and to discover that not every question… Continue reading Science Fair

Categorized as Blog, rant

transparency that evokes

Imagine a meeting room. A space in a corporate office, a government building, a church or a library. Think about that meeting room having one wall that faces out into the common area of the building made entirely of glass. Not just ordinary glass, but one-way glass. You can only see through it one way… Continue reading transparency that evokes

Categorized as Blog, rant

celebrating a birthday

For some people, after the age of 18 celebrating your birthday is just a reminder of what you missed out on and how much closer you are to the grave. For others, myself included, it is a simple day to pause and reflect on that one person just for a day. I think a birthday… Continue reading celebrating a birthday

Categorized as Blog, rant