with risk comes rewards?

In trying to teach my 11 year old son how someone can become financially wealthy I had to really think about how I wanted to explain myself to him. I could have used any number of stories of how people work hard, study hard, and then it all pays off but I found myself looking… Continue reading with risk comes rewards?

Categorized as coaching

Why Jim Carrey’s video about gun ownership is stimulating conversation.

Why is Jim Carrey’s video “Cold Dead Hands” about gun ownership stimulating conversation? What! A celebrity you like speaking out on an issue and challenging you because you thought he was such a cool wacky guy? He is joking about the kind of gun pride stuff many of us joke about with people we can… Continue reading Why Jim Carrey’s video about gun ownership is stimulating conversation.

Categorized as Blog, rant

4 kinds of officer

I listened to Stewart Brand on CBC Ideas the other day and he mentioned that when he was an officer in the US military his trainers held the belief that there were 4 kinds of officers. I found it very interesting. From best to worst: Brilliant and Lazy Brilliant and Industrious Lazy and Stupid Industrious… Continue reading 4 kinds of officer

Categorized as Blog, rant

recipes for success – relationship * possibility * action

One of the most powerful concepts of the coaching practices that I have learned is to think of our interactions with the idea of three types of conversation: relationship, possibility and action. There is no script for each of these conversations to happen but rather the practice of seeing your conversations through these lenses has… Continue reading recipes for success – relationship * possibility * action

children in grown up bodies

-sigh- occasionally my work inspires me for my ideas of what to write here and today I am filled with a desire to vent. I am regularly reminded that while our bodies age, and our vocabularies increase, the level of maturity is not guaranteed to follow. Moreover wisdom may never come to an individual despite… Continue reading children in grown up bodies

Categorized as Blog, rant